우유이야기 (2) Milk Story
그래서 난 단골이 되어 매일 30%할인가로 마셨다. 어느날 친구 두명이 이런 내 이야길 듣고 따라와 같이 단골이 된다.그러니 1천장 모으면 해외여행 시켜준다며 쿠폰을 주는데, 놀라운 것은 친구들에겐 한장씩이지만 내겐 두명 소개건 보너스로 세장이나 준다.
So I accepted the suggestion and drank the milk there everyday. Soon my 2 friends heard that I got 30% discount of milk as a new patron, and they wanted me to introduce them. So they became patrons,too. The shop promised me that I would get a coupon everytime I bought the milk and with 1,000 coupons, I would travel abroad for free.
To my surprise, my friends got 1 but I got 3 because I made 2 patrons for them.
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