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Inatant Holland Fb Friends On Subway
옆자리 앉은 금발 머리 학생, 십여분 얘기해 보니 한국 고대, 상해, 홍콩 등 여행 중인 물리학 전공 네덜란드 인들.왼쪽 이름은 톰 판 돌프슨 (Tom Van Dalfsen).그들의 언어가 독일어냐고 물으니 독일어와 유사하다고 하였다.요즘 들어 세상 사람 모두가 내게 중요하게만 느껴진다. 톰, 한국에서 좋은 시간 되길.
There were some people talking next to me on the subway with a German-sounding language. So I asked about it and heard the language was from the Netherlands. It triggered my talking and I introduced myself to him and even made friends with him. The worldly people looks Potential to me nowadays. Tom, have a good time in Seoul, S.Korea!
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