Paid Leave Friday 3 (금요일 연차ㅡ3)
집에 와 거기 빠리바게트에서 산 고로케 를 먹고는, 세탁기를 돌렸다. 좀 졸렸지만, 싱그럽고 상큼한 기분이다.
After that I bought some croquettes near there.
After returning home, I operated the washing machine to clean my clothes and ate a croquette bread I bought.
I feel fresh and refreshing although feeling sleepy now.
Happy to show you my neighborhood here in Incheon city South Korea.
#고로케 #이천일아울렛부평점지하빠리바게트 #싱그럽고상쾌한기분
#FreshAndRefreshing #금요일 #Friday #연차사용 #PaidLeave #사회적_거리_두기 #StrengthenedCoronaSeasonRestrictions
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