광복절 노래
(The Song
of Independence Day of Korea )
- Lyrics by Jeong, In-bo
Composed by Yoon, Yong-ha
Translated & Sung by Won-gil Park (=Raoul Teacher)
1. 흙 다시 만져보자.
(=Let's grab the soil again.)
바닷물도 춤을 춘다.
(=Even sea water is dancing.)
기어이 보시려던 어른님 벗님 어찌하리.
(=With the adults and friends who were eager to see,
how should we do?)
이 날이 사십년 뜨거운 피 엉긴 자취니
(=This day is the tangled trace
of hot blood for forty years, so)
길이 길이 지키세 길이 길이 지키세.
(=Forever & forever let's keep.
Forever & forever let's keep.)
2. 꿈엔들 잊을 건가.
(=Even in a dream,
can I ever forget?)
지난 일을 잊을 건가.
(=Those previous things,
can I ever forget?)
다 같이 복을 심어,
(=All together planting good fortune, and)
잘 가꿔 길러 하늘 닿게.
(=let's cultivate & grow well,
to reach the sky.)
세계의 보람될 거룩한 빛
(=The world's fruitful & divine light)
예서 나리니
(=will come from here, and)
함께 힘써 나가세. 함께 힘써 나가세.
(=Let's try and go ahead.
Together let's try and go ahead.)
Raoul Teacher's Lecture -
The Original Song -
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