119 말벌 제거작전 Wasp Removal
관리실 전화로 말벌 있다하여,119전화.
베란다 큰 창문 밖에 버려진 기타 통안
큰 말벌집 발견. #발산119안전센터 팀의 도움으로 해결. 땀 많이 흘리시는 분들께 시원한 물 한잔씩 드렸습니다. 감사합니다.
The Administration Center of the apartment complex called me and said there was a wasp honets' nest in the discarded guitar there. And I noticed it called 119 Korea Security Center. And a team came by and solved this situation soon. I treated them cool water cuz they were sweating a lot. Thanks for your efforts for the citizens. :)
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