Atomy Profit Process - 2
The customers who feel the superiority of Atomy products can use them, accumulate the points from buying, and helping others sign up on No Fee to Sign Up basis . That's all. This is the network marketing where customers can be business men & business men can be customers as well.
Another important thing is that your accumulated points will last forever. But buying the cheapest one (e.x. 1 toothbrush ) at least once a year is a must.
Basically, Atomy business men must have 300K points at least and it means from about 700 USD to 900 USD sales. But you Need Not worry about this cuz' generally your upline business men can do this for you to have their leg points enough to get commision.
Additionally, your accumulated points will never disappear, so you don't have to buy many things beyond your budget. Your accumulated 300K points are not enough to get your commission.
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