Hidden K-Pop Spirit (19)
War Song-Arirang People
War Song-Arirang People
실로 한반도의 옛 고구려는 중국까지 뻗었으며, 백제 또한 일본을 포함한 사방에 영향력을 뻗쳤었다. 조선왕조가 건국된 후 500년간이나 그대로 이어져 왔다는 것은 세계사에도 드문 일임에 틀림이 없다.본 군가는 후손들을 위해 이러한 소중한 우리 나라를 잘 보존하고 발전시키자는 메시지를 전하고 있어, 한국인들에게는 대중가요 이상으로 사랑받는 명곡이다.
In Korean Peninsula, an ancient nation called Goguryeo had the territory to China continent, and another nation Baekjae affected everywhere such as Japan. After Joseon Dynasty was set up, the history of it continued for 500 years without stopping, which is a rarity in the whole world history.
This war song sends the message that we have to keep and preserve our precious nation well for our descendents. So this is why the song is preferred more than common K-Pops by many Korean people.
This war song sends the message that we have to keep and preserve our precious nation well for our descendents. So this is why the song is preferred more than common K-Pops by many Korean people.
Written by Author Won-gil, Park
Feb. 2nd. 2015.
In Busan, S.Korea
Feb. 2nd. 2015.
In Busan, S.Korea
The Original
에서 '[군가] 아리랑 겨레' 보기 - [군가] 아리랑 겨레:
- K-Pop Singing In English(120)
군가-아리랑겨레)War Song-Arirang People:
군가 아리랑겨레 라울샘 영어해설
보기 - Raoul Teacher's Korean K Pop (120)
(War Song-Ah Ri Rang People)

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